The dreamer

About me and how I got started

It has always been my dream to do something meaningful. My desire to help and luv on others while having a positive impact on those I connect with has really driven the concept behind this brand and community. Trying to improve the quality of my life I was introduced to essential oils.
We make adjustments to the foods we eat and drinks we consume when
trying to live healthy lives, but many don’t know that what we put on the
surface of our skin and what we inhale can have a powerful impact on our body.

Using oils has changed my life, I understood most products on the shelf had harmful ingredients that had a list of side effects but I thought that was the only option. I was wrong. When I joined Young Living and purchased my starter kit I learned to use oils in my every day life. I started sharing them with others and making things for people all around me. If you had a problem I found a solution. I became so passionate about oils I naturally began to share and teach others so I fell into the role of an oil distributor, which I prefer to refer to myself as an oily dealer <3. Having a dream to build my team and impact my community I created OILUVIZ. It is a play off my last name and explains my thoughts on life, love and oils so it was the perfect way to brand my Young Living Team. In time so many dreams began to manifest under this tree with the support of my family, friends and my incredible Young Living team.
However, troubled times unraveled and weeds started to grow so I saw a problem and I created a solution quit literally. Naturally as an oiler I started creating items for our household to keep our bodies functioning at full potential despite what was happening around us. Unfortunately, every day necessities were very hard to come by. Even keeping up the demand at our very own headquarters was a challenge. So not having access to things like hand sanitizers I decided to make a solution!!! Full of confidence with what I was putting on my body I was confident to share these items with my loved ones too but keeping up with demand was the next challenge, so now here we are. Everything just fell naturally into place, seeing a need for my community I created a line of products to help sustain our confidence walking out into the world. Without using toxic ingredients I created solutions with ingredients that had beneficial properties. I hope you benefit from my products as much as I have. Seeing my dreams become reality has been a mind blowing experience, and it all started with my desire to help myself and others using essential oils that I trust. If your interested in learning more you can join my Oiluviz vine or sign up for a free intro to oils class. I will offer, support, recipes, and tools to get you started to grow.